Kingston Custom Spirit of Passion BMW R18
Motor -

Maybe this mod should have stayed in the realm of mopeds and scooters but the result is a quite impressive retro-futuristic real motorbike. Love it or hate it, this piece of art is called the “Spirit of Passion” R18.

Instead of stripping down the bike, Kingston Custom added parts to a BMW R18, which is a quite retro-approach for making a hell of a custom.

Keeping the frame is 100% original, Kingston installed a hand made, 1930s art deco styled full front fairing with tall kidney grilles.

The handlebar, saddle and exhaust system are also customized to match the retro asthetics. BMW’s 1.8L Big Boxer flat-twin engine is original, still providing 91 horsepower and 116 lb-ft of torque. Check it out on